Birth name
Mary Hoover
Place of Birth
Lexington, Holmes County, Mississippi, USA
Place of Death
Gary, Indiana, USA
When Mary Hoover was born on October 3, 1874, in Lexington, Mississippi, her father, Benjamin, was 58, and her mother, Sylvia, was 49. She married George Bacon in 1892. They had seven children in 17 years. She died in December 1959 in Gary, Indiana, at the age of 85. In 2005, the Hoover Family updated its lineage to include the Bacon surname in honor of Frank Hoover Sr.’s, Aunt Mary (Hoover) Bacon memory.
Ancestry.com sources: |
Hoover (HABKB) Family Tree |
https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/tree/200824507/family/pedigree?cfpid=152622875459 |
Jenkins Family Tree |
https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/tree/182620702/family?_phsrc=AxG16&_phstart=successSource&cfpid=142380844667&fpid=142397746316&usePUBJs=true |
Carson Family Tree |
https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/tree/6011042/family?cfpid=-1362370711&fpid=-618033313&usePUBJs=true |
Reed Family Tree |
https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/tree/182620702/family?_phsrc=AxG16&_phstart=successSource&cfpid=142380844667&fpid=142397746316&usePUBJs=true |
Thames Family Tree |
https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/tree/78117932?cfpid=34378520965&dtid=100 |
QC-3: Resolve discrepancies between the Hoover and Thames family trees having to do with Mary Hoover’s age and where she died |